Monday, February 6, 2012

It's been awhile

Haven't been able to update much lately.. Started my new job and that has been taking up basically all my time! My husband and I just got back from visiting family in PA, definitely needed that. It was refreshing to be around some people who we love and care about so much, I've been really missing them! I'm taking 1500 mgs of metformin now, had some side affects the first few days and now I feel normal, all the time. At first I thought the metformin was regulating my cycle, however now it doesn't seem like that's the case. It should have been here the 28th, but never happened and still hasn't. Tested and got a BFN, go figure. Just wish there was something else we could be trying. I feel like we aren't getting any closer to figuring what we need to do to conceive, if the metformin doesn't work. Just going to continue to be patient I suppose..